Your coffee is freshly roasted when you place an order. Unlike many other coffee roasters and online sites, we roast our coffee daily so that it is fresh. When you order, your coffee will be roasted and shipped the very same day to ensure you with the freshest coffee possible. Other roasters pre-package or vacuum-seal their coffee; those coffees have been roasted days or even weeks in advance! Our coffee is heat-sealed in a valve bag, and here's why.
When coffee is freshly roasted, it releases carbon dioxide for up to 48 hours. If we vacuum-seal fresh coffee immediately after roasting, the bag will explode because there is no way for the carbon dioxide to escape. Each bag has a valve that only lets air flow one way. It releases the carbon dioxide without allowing any outside air to come into the bag, so your coffee is guaranteed to be absolutely fresh.
The following prices are for our wholesale clients. For retail please
contact us
for current pricing.